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What To Bring With You



We provide the following:


Hair dryer (main house only)


Toilet Paper



Shampoo, conditioner, body wash

Honestly Natural products, focused in wellbeing, health and alternative medicine, using thermal waters, volcanic muds, native organic fruits, roots, spices, sea water from our shores, thermo-mineral water from the Arenal Volcano lands and other 100% natural raw material from Costa Rican lands


Bath towels, hand towels, & face towels:
We use oversized Turkish Cotton Towels for this humid environment as they are more absorbing and quick-drying. These can double as beach towels. If washing off make-up, we ask that you do not use the white face towels as they will stain; instead, we have a basket of other towels that can be used for this or anything else like cleaning up spills or accidental messes



Remember to pack or purchase:


All personal Toiletries

Toothbrush/paste/mouth wash

Hair products


Razor/shaving cream

Feminine Products

Eye glasses/solutions

Necessary medications/supplements

Face wash/cleanser/lotions

Body lotion/Aloe

Insect repellent


Laundry detergent/ dryer sheets




We provide the following:


All necessary cooking utensils


Dishes, silverware, cups

Coffee maker

Electric hot water kettle

Coffee and tea

Coffee cups

Typical spices

Cleaning products


Rice Maker


Storage containers

Cooler for day activities

Electric range, microwave, 2 refrigerators 


Remember to Pack or Purchase:


Food for breakfast, lunch, dinner


Fruits / vegetables

Water, soda, juices, milk

Coffee creamer / sugar / sweetener


Ice for the cooler you can borrow

Bananas for the bird feeder




We provide the following:

A heated pool

The best seat in the house to watch Mother Nature's Wildlife daily show


Remember to pack or purchase:
Hiking shoes / water shoes / flip flops
Light weight and dry fast clothing
Rain jacket

Light jacket / sweater for the evenings
Swimming suit / cover
Plastic bags for wet/sandy clothes

Books / travel guides

Download Movies, Shows, Music

Passport/ drivers license/ credit card

Cash (small bills for tips or tolls)

Deck of cards/ games

Backpack/ beach bag/ dry bag


Alfombra, Costa Rica

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