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About Costa Rica

Just over 5% of the world’s biodiversity is found in Costa Rica, which is home to over 500,000 species of animals including numerous varieties of monkeys, bats, sloths, anteaters, coati, tapirs, ocelots, jaguars, and birds.


Costa Rica is divided among 11 conservation areas comprising of 30 national parks, 58 wildlife refuges, 32 protected zones, 15 wetland areas, 11 forest reserves and 8 biological reserves. 26% of Costa Rican territory is protected for conservation encouraging visitors to experience its culture, wildlife, volcanoes, beaches, and mountains.


The Costa Rican locals are Tico (men) and Tica (women) and have ancestry linked to Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Spain, etc.  There are 8 indigenous groups in Costa Rica making up 1.7% of the population.  Spanish is the national language and the country reports a high literacy rate of 96% since education is free and obligatory for its citizens.


Costa Rica is approximately the size of the state of West Virginia (19,700 square miles) and connects North America to South America.  Nicaragua is to the north and Panama is to the south while being cradled between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea boasting 800 miles of coastline

Pura Vida

All travelers will find themselves immersed in the Pura Vida lifestyle.  La Pura Vida is Spanish phrase meaning "the pure life".  In Costa Rica, this denotes a stress-free lifestyle centered around friends, family, and the gifts of nature. Clean eating and avoiding stress contribute greatly to the pura vida lifestyle.


Costa Rica is consistently ranked as one of the top eco-friendly destinations in the world.  In 2019, Costa Rica was awarded the Champions of the Earth Award, the United Nation's highest environmental honor, for it's protection of the nature and commitment to ambitious policies to fight against climate change.


Costa Rica is the ideal place to improve well-being- mental and physical.  Here you can reduce stress and renew mind, body, and soul with an abundance of nature-based wellness activities like forest bathing, trekking, yoga retreats, volcanic mud baths, dip in one of the 200 hot springs, and power up with nutritious food options. 


Months could be spent in Costa Rica exploring the riches of the beautiful Costa Rican history, handicrafts, and locally grown products.  Indigenous tours can be taken in the Yorkin, Quitirrisi &Puriscal, Boruca, and Terraba Indigenous community and Museums.  Visit the El Guarco sculpture park, Santa Ana Ceramics, Los Santos coffee farms, Turrialba cheese and Sugar cane, or the Orotina fresh fruit and local cuisine. Check out our map for a list by region


There are 7 regions of Costa Rica; Though a small country, the distance between regions can be a half a day travel by car or public transportation.  Alternatively, there are numerous regional airports throughout Costa Rica to help with time and wanting to visit multiple regions in 1 trip.  Though a year-round destination, there are 11 different microclimates in Costa Rica to keep in mind when planning the time you choose to visit.


U.S Dollars and major credit cards are widely accepted with ATM's located throughout the country.  The official currency of Costa Rica is the Colone (divide the colony by 610 to get the USD rate).


Costa Rica has adventures for all ages, needs and physical conditions including ones with accessible adapted services.  Costa Rica's Tourist information centers provide info, care, and assistance services to domestic and foreign tourist.


With all the action-packed adventure in the South Pacific, you will need to take a break and try out the cuisine.  Some local dishes in this area are Patacones, Chifrijo, Empanadas, and Flan. After you've indulged in the local restaurants, there's an abundance of international cuisines and chef's from all over the world in this area.

Alfombra, Costa Rica

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