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Property Policies

Smoking- We would like all guests to be able to enjoy the clean, fresh mountain air both during the day and at night with the cool breeze and sounds of nature. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside any structure including the outdoor rancho. There is a designated smoking area near the gate in the secure parking area. Please remember to leave the jungle as clean as you found it and properly discard your cigarette butts. Smoking outside of this policy will result in a $500 cleaning fee.

Pets- Pets are not permitted on site. 

Ages- Adults only boutique. Children under 16 years old are not permitted to stay on the property. 

Toilets - Please do not flush any non-bio waste down the toilettes. This includes toilet paper, paper towels, facial or baby wipes, feminine products, etc. Costa Rica does not have septic systems that can break these products down and can cause serious damage. Bidets have been installed on all toilets for your convenience. 

Vehicle Parking - Parking is permitted anywhere in the secured gravel area; please do not block the gate or park outside of the gravel parking area. 

Damages - A security deposit of $500 will be required for all reservations in the event of any damages incurred during your stay. This includes damages or loss of any parts of the property and its furnishings. If no damages are observed upon check-out, your $500 will be refunded.

Property left behind- If property is left behind we will attempt to contact you to arrange return. All costs/fees associated with returning the items will be at the expense of the guest. 

Cancellations by the client - Any cancelation up until 30 days prior to check-in is 100% refundable. Cancelations less than 30 days prior to check-in will result in a 50% refund. Cancellations made within 14 days of arrival, "no shows", or early check-outs will be non-refundable. 

Cancellations by us - In the unlikely event we have to cancel a reservation, we will contact you immediately and provide a full refund. We are travel agents and are able to help you find alternative accommodations. Our liability will not extend beyond these conditions.

Cleaning Fee - A one time $95 fee will be assessed for all rentals. Additional cleaning services are available if requested throughout your stay for an additional fee.

VAT- 13% VAT (Costa Rican Tax) will be added to your folio sub-total for the nightly rate each night.

Alfombra, Costa Rica

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